Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Doctrine & Covenants 88:62 And again, verily I say unto you, my friends. I leave these sayings with you to ponder in your hearts with this commandment which I give unto you...

As missionaries we read the word "ponder" a lot in the scriptures and it made me think. Pondering, to me, means that once I have heard or read something I think it through. I will keep those thoughts in my heart and mind and think about what it means and what I am supposed to learn from it. With every thing that we learn we can ponder on it and we do. If it is good and it is something we are supposed to be thinking about "Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. (Doctrine and Covenants 8:2)" If it is not good we will be able to tell by the opposite feelings.

So if we are going to ponder in our hearts something that means we probably need to be thinking about it a lot. That made me think about the things we think about. There is a scripture that says that our thoughts are going to lead to our actions and our actions are going to determine where we will be eternally.

What are we pondering on? Is it the latest television show where someone got shot or the music that was fun about destroying someones car and we cant get the lyrics quite right so we listen to it over and over? Is it the verse in the scriptures that keeps coming to our minds but we cant quite remember where it is, do we try to get it out of our minds by turning up the volume on our electronic devices or go to the scriptures and see what Heavenly Father is trying to tell us with that thought? Are we concentrating on what we can do to keep our covenants and help those around us or are we playing another game?

I know that as we try to ponder in our hearts the things of Heavenly Father we will be able to grow closer to him and know more fully what we need to do or change in order to return to Him. It is not always easy but it is always worth it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


"Courage is required to make an initial thrust toward one’s coveted goal, but even greater courage is called for when one stumbles and must make a second effort to achieve."— Thomas S Monson

This is so true. It takes courage to do anything, that first step is scary. But how many times have you done something and decided that you can't change what was done? Have you ever had that moment where you had to swallow your pride say you are sorry and ask someone else for help? I know I have and sometimes I would rather just try something different but those times when I have done what I didn't want to do; I wouldn't change them for anything.

I love Elder Uchtdorf, he is one of my favorite speakers. A few years ago he talked about planes and that when they are going long distances over water they calculate the fuel they have and they have a point of safe return. A point where they cannot turn around any longer or they will crash. In the talk he spoke about Heavenly Fathers love for us: John 3: 17 "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." In order for us to be saved we have to repent and come unto Him. If we just start then he can begin to make up the difference. We might stumble and slip a little, he will be there to catch us. With the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no point of no return, we can always return safely.

I challenge you if there is something you need to change to be able to feel  the presence of the Holy Ghost in your life, to feel that you are loved and worth something, to take the first steps. He will be waiting and send you help as soon as you start. I know this is true. As I said we might stumble but if we continue to try He will continue to help us. I know that this has happened and will continue to happen in my life, as many times as I ask, He will be there.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I was reading in Alma chapter 34 this morning and a verse stuck out to me. 

And as ye have desired of my beloved brother that he should make known unto you what ye should do, because of your afflictions; and he hath spoken somewhat unto you to prepare your minds; yea, and he hath exhorted you unto faith and to patience—

This is right after Alma teaches his great lesson on faith. I know that when we exercise faith that we are blessed immediately but sometimes not exactly the way we want to be. 
There is also the other side of the coin, when we start exercising our faith satan will try to make us doubt immediately. I think the reason that Alma compared it to a seed is that things take time. Think back on your life, when has something worthwhile happened that you had done prepared for or worked for. When did it happen exactly the way that you wanted it to.

There is a saying "good things come to those who wait." The saying does not say those who sit idly by and say yes this is going to happen or say if I want it hard enough but don't do anything about it it will happen. In Ether chapter 12 a scripture says you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. If you are working, if you are trying to do what is right and waiting for that witness please practice patience. The Lord is aware of you and he will give you the witness that you need and desire. There will just be some trials along the way that will prove we really want to know.  These next verses are from one of my favorite hymns Be Still My soul:

1. Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side;
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In ev'ry change he faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav'nly Friend
Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end
2. Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as he has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below
  1. 3. Be still, my soul: The hour is hast'ning on
    When we shall be forever with the Lord,
    When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
    Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored.
    Be still, my soul: When change and tears are past,
    All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us and that He wants to bless us. Unfortunately He also has to allow us to endure trials so that we can become the people he wants us to be. That is the way we learn, if we ask to be able to feel greater love he is going to give us very difficult people in our lives that we have to get along with. I also know though that if we are able to exercise patience and continue to do so we will discover what we were supposed to be learning with that trial or situation. He loves you and He is making you into the person He knows we can be!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life is hard

"Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it's a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day--and then one more and then one more after that--until we've lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, a lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness."
—Thomas S. Monson, 
I recently got kind of sick, again. And it was difficult. We were busy we didn't have time for me to go crawl into my bed and wait for things to get better. So I tried this life by the inch idea. I would get out of something and I would think ok all I have to do is make it to the car. All I have to do is back up without running over sister Clark. All I have to.......until the day was done and I could sink into exhaustion. Then the next morning I would be saying my prayers and ask Heavenly Father to give me the strength to go through it all again. And he did, it might have been moment to moment; but it happened. It was a humbling reminder that I cannot always handle life alone, that is why the atonement was performed so we wouldnt be alone.
There is a scripture in Matthew 11:28-30: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me....for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Life is hard but if we can do our part and ask Heavenly Father for help it will come. 
We may not start in what we think is the ideal place but it doesnt matter; as long as we start that is what matters. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know that he has and will help us to return to him one step at a time. He already knows what we need all we have to do is start to ask him and he is sending help along the way. 
So I have a challenge for you are you ready? It goes along with Alma 32, experiment on the word. Wherever you are at in life try to choose one thing that you would like to be better at in regards to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask him for help and move forward in faith. See what happens!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Here there be dragons

It isn't an adventure worth telling if there aren't any Dragons." - JRR Tolkien 

Each of us has "dragons" especially if we are doing what we know to be right, or even trying to do what we think is right. Then the dragons rear their heads and charge even more fiercely. We don't need to be afraid when this happens. Yes life might get more difficult for a time. Yes it might be scary, but we know what the end is. We will always be stronger than our dragons if we remember to call upon our Heavenly Father and ask for his help then do our best to take care of them ourselves. 

Our dragons could be friends, or people that we think we are. They might be substances like tobacco or alcohol, or they might be ourselves. Sometimes we are our own biggest enemies when we tell ourselves that we cant be happy until, or that we dont deserve something when we get it. I guess the trick is to be happy in spite of ourselves or our problems. To find Joy while facing our dragons. We knew that they would be here when we came to this world. We just need to learn how to embrace the joy in the middle. There is a scripture in 2 Nephi 2: 27 aAdam bfell that men might be; and men care, that they might have djoy
I testify to you that Heavenly Father is aware of you. He wants us to be happy and he knows that the only way we will be is if we are able to face these challenges, these dragons and beat them. I love this quote from Elder Holland:

"Every one of us has times when we need to know things will get better...My declaration is that this is precisely what the gospel of Jesus Christ offers us, especially in times of need. There is help. There is happiness. There really is light at the end of the tunnel."