Wednesday, January 22, 2014


"Courage is required to make an initial thrust toward one’s coveted goal, but even greater courage is called for when one stumbles and must make a second effort to achieve."— Thomas S Monson

This is so true. It takes courage to do anything, that first step is scary. But how many times have you done something and decided that you can't change what was done? Have you ever had that moment where you had to swallow your pride say you are sorry and ask someone else for help? I know I have and sometimes I would rather just try something different but those times when I have done what I didn't want to do; I wouldn't change them for anything.

I love Elder Uchtdorf, he is one of my favorite speakers. A few years ago he talked about planes and that when they are going long distances over water they calculate the fuel they have and they have a point of safe return. A point where they cannot turn around any longer or they will crash. In the talk he spoke about Heavenly Fathers love for us: John 3: 17 "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." In order for us to be saved we have to repent and come unto Him. If we just start then he can begin to make up the difference. We might stumble and slip a little, he will be there to catch us. With the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no point of no return, we can always return safely.

I challenge you if there is something you need to change to be able to feel  the presence of the Holy Ghost in your life, to feel that you are loved and worth something, to take the first steps. He will be waiting and send you help as soon as you start. I know this is true. As I said we might stumble but if we continue to try He will continue to help us. I know that this has happened and will continue to happen in my life, as many times as I ask, He will be there.

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